ls = list the content of current directory find /etc/ -name "*.conf" = find files with given name locate *.name = find files with name *.name grep network /etc/init.d/* 2> /dev/null = find strings insde files CTRL+c = stop the given process df -h = check available disc space du -sh ./* = check the size of the files in a give directory ssh = connect to the given server scp file.txt = copy file.txt to Taito rsync -avt linux_learn.txt'$HOME' = copy file wget = get file from the web zip linux_learn* = create a zip archive unzip -l = list the content of zip archive unzip = unzip the archive tar -cvf linux_learn.tar linux_learn* = create a tar archive tar -cvzf tar_test.tgz tar_test/ = create a tar archive and compress with gzip tar -cvjf tar_test.bz2 tar_test/ = create a tar archive and compress with bzip2 tar -xvf linux_learn.tar = extract tar archive rm linux_learn_copy.txt = remove the file linux_learn_copy.txt ln -s ../linux_learn.txt linux_lear_symbolic_link.txt = create a symbolic link to a file chmod u+x file.txt = add execute permissions for the user who owns it vi linux_learn.txt = edit the file linux_learn.txt with vi editor mkdir hello_world = create a directory named hello_world cd hello_world/ = go to the directory hello_world pwd = print on the screen the current working directory hostname = print the name of the host on teh screen rm linux_learn.txt = remove the file linux_learn.txt ln -s ../linux_learn.txt linux_lear_symbolic_link.txt = create a symbolic link to file linux_learn.txt located one directory up alias = list all the aliases alias llt='ls -lrt' = create an alias cat linux_learn.txt = print the content of the file linux_learn.txt on the standard output, i.e., screen cat -n linux_learn.txt = print the output and number all output lines man rsync = show the manual entry for the command rsyns