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Siirry CSC:n koulutuskalenteriin

MATLAB Fundamentals

MATLAB Fundamentals
Päiväys: 10.04.2013 9:00 - 12.04.2013 17:00
Location details: -
Kieli: english-language
lecturers: TBA (The MathWorks Inc.)
Hinta: -

This three-day course provides a comprehensive introduction to the MATLAB® technical computing environment. The course is intended for beginning users and those looking for a review. Themes of data analysis, visualization, modeling, and programming are explored throughout the course. Topics include:

  • Working with the MATLAB user interface
  • Entering commands and creating variables
  • Analyzing vectors and matrices
  • Visualizing vector and matrix data
  • Working with data files
  • Working with data types
  • Automating commands with scripts
  • Writing programs with logic and flow control
  • Writing functions


No prior programming experience or knowledge of MATLAB is assumed.


Day 1

  • Working with the MATLAB User Interface
    Become familiar with the main features of the MATLAB integrated design environment and its user interfaces. Get an overview of course themes.
  • Variables and Expressions
    Enter MATLAB commands, with an emphasis on creating and accessing data in variables.
  • Analysis and Visualization with Vectors
    Perform mathematical and statistical calculations with vectors, and create basic visualizations. Use MATLAB syntax to perform calculations on whole data sets with a single command.
  • Analysis and Visualization with Matrices
    Use matrices as mathematical objects or as collections of (vector) data. Understand the appropriate use of MATLAB syntax to distinguish between these applications.

Day 2

  • Automating Commands with Scripts
    Collect MATLAB commands into scripts for ease of reproduction and experimentation. Divide scripts into logical sections for development, maintenance, and publishing.
  • Working with Data Files
    Bring data into MATLAB from formatted files.
  • Working with Text and Dates
    Access and manipulate text and date information using cell arrays.
  • Multiple Vector Plots
    Make more complex vector plots, such as multiple plots, and use color and string manipulation techniques to produce eye-catching visual representations of data.
  • Logic and Flow Control
    Use logical operations, variables, and indexing techniques to create flexible code that can make decisions and adapt to different situations. Explore other programming constructs for repeating sections of code and constructs that allow interaction with the user.

Day 3

  • Matrix and Image Visualization
    Visualize images and matrix data in two or three dimensions. Explore the difference in displaying images and visualizing matrix data using images.
  • Data Analysis
    Perform typical data analysis tasks in MATLAB, including developing and fitting theoretical models to real-life data. Solve linear systems of equations with a single command.
  • Writing Functions
    Increase automation by encapsulating modular tasks as user-defined functions. Understand how MATLAB resolves references to files and variables.
  • Troubleshooting Code and Improving Performance
    Explore MATLAB tools for debugging and measuring code performance.
  • Data Types
    Create variables and access array elements for the various data types available in MATLAB. Convert from one data type to another.