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Siirry CSC:n koulutuskalenteriin

TRANSITS I -kurssi

TRANSITS I -kurssi
Päiväys: 11.04.2013 11:30 - 13.04.2013 12:00
Location details: -
Kieli: english-language
lecturers: Funet CERTin jäsenet
Hinta: -

Kurssi koostuu viidestä eri modulista, joissa harjoitellaan tietoturvapoikkeamien käsittelyyn vaadittavia perustaitoja. Kaikki kouluttajat ovat Funet CERTin jäseniä. Kurssin materiaali on englanniksi, koulutuskielenä Suomi.

Tarkempi kuvaus moduleista (teksti TRANSITSin alkuperäisestä materiaalista):

  • CSIRT Organisation
    Describes how CSIRTs fit into their organisations: planning the CSIRT, defining the constituency of the team and gaining management authority for it, deciding the services the team will offer, working with those outside the organisation, staffing the CSIRT, funding. Students will discuss their own organisation and how their team fits into it.
  • Technical Aspects
    Understand how intruders attack systems: intruders and their motivations, network protocols and how they can be abused, operating systems and services, types of vulnerability, information gathering, breaking in, hiding traces, denial-of-service attacks. A number of exercises are used to show how these appear in practice.
  • CSIRT Operations
    Describes the facilities, systems and tools needed by CSIRTs to operate successfully: housing the CSIRT, equipment, e-mail, remote access, information and contacts, servers and networks, incident response plans and procedures, tracking systems. As an exercise students will discuss and develop incident response plans for their own teams.
  • Legal Issues
    Looks at the areas of legislation that are likely to affect CSIRTs in their work and that team members need to be aware of: origins of computer legislation, problems, data protection, computer misuse, working with law enforcement, monitoring, evidence, European developments.
  • Working with vulnerabilities
    Discusses the roles that CSIRTs may decide to play in distributing and producing information about vulnerabilities: why do vulnerabilities exist, what should CSIRTs aim to do, sources of information and how to use them, advisories - distribution, interpretation, investigation and co-ordination

1. päivä

Lunch (at 11:30)

Organisation module

Iltaohjelmaa (lisää infoa myöhemmin)

2. päivä

Operations module

Technical module

3. päivä

Legal module

Vulnerabilities module

Lunch (at 12:00)