ENVRIplus – Common Operations of Environmental Research Infrastructures

Funding source: H2020

Project duration: 1.5.2015 – 31.7.2019

Project website: www.envri.eu


What we are doing:

The ENVRIplus (Common Operations of Environmental Research Infrastructures) project will enhance collaboration and interoperability in the environmental sciences. The project has 37 partners representing 21 different research infrastructures from all over Europe. The project is coordinated by ICOS head office located in Helsinki.

ENVRIplus has goals on common policy and service development; moreover it will promote interoperability and collaboration between research infrastructures.  The project gives excellent opportunity to interact and network with European research infrastructures and influence their views on the use of e-infrastructures in environmental research.

CSC's role in the consortium is to represent EUDAT e-infrastructure and in general bring expertise on research data management, which is one of the main focuses of the project. CSC's contribution will also make the use of EUDAT services easier for Finnish researchers.

The project addresses directly the research infrastructures and indirectly all users of those RIs. Finnish researchers are actively involved in several of these RIs such as ICOS, EISCAT_3D, ACTRIS and eLTER. Through participation in ENVRIPlus CSC is in a better position to support these important user communities by understanding the specific requirements for data management, and also to influence in the way e-infrastructure is provided for the major RIs (for example promoting practices of open science). At the end, the benefit for Finnish researchers is improved access to European resources either through CSC provided services or through the RIs.

People involved with the Finnish consortia of the European environmental research infrastructures are encouraged to contact CSC to discuss on collaboration opportunities.